Saturday, 14 May 2011

Which antimalarial

Before coming ToMalaria Kenya on Safari,consider the following: Kenya is known as a potential malaria endemic region.Therefore it is wise to take some antimalarial drugs guard against getting this tropical disease.

The most popular drugs are:

1) Doxycycline
2) Malarone
3) Lariam

1) Doxycycline

Many individuals prefer doxycycline because of its low cost. Take this medication 2 days before entering risk area, throughout your stay in risk area, and for 4 weeks after exiting the risk area.

2) Malarone

Listed as having least reports of side effects and popular among quick travellers.
Rather expensive when used for long stays. Also taken 2 days before entering risk area, throughout stay in risk area, and for one week after return.

Reported side effects include headaches and upset stomachs.

3) Lariam

Taken one week before entering risk area, throughout stay in risk area, and for 4 weeks after departure from risk area.

It is worth noting that there have been varied reports of individuals experiencing various side effects from the use of these drugs.Of note is the confirmed reports about Doxycycline causing increased sensitivity to the sun,this has been known to occur in some individuals but it works fine with others.

The main point is; always consult your doctor when you are planning on visiting a malaria prone region.You should get appropriate advice on which medication is appropriate based on your medical condition.These side effects occur with some people and not everybody, so someone's experience with a particular medication does not necessarily mean that the same will occur to you if you decide to take the same medication.

Another important part not to forget is the use of repellents.These go hand in hand with antimalarial drugs.You can get some useful information on insect repellents at Complete insect repellent information.

Please note:
No anti-malarial drug is absolutely safe, it is advisable to consult a physician before making a decision to use any of the above mentioned drugs. For more information about your health while on safari, please visit our Safari Health Information page.