Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The Loliondo Wonder

What do you believe in? What do you put your faith in? People have varied faiths and beliefs but few are as extraordinary as the one you are about to see. Picture this: a 12 kilometer line of cars, hundreds of thousands of people, waiting to see one old man. What does the man have? He offers a green concoction in a cup, which he claims will cure any chronic illness.

That is a summary of what is going on in a place called Loliondo, in northern Tanzania, very close to the border between Kenya and Tanzania. The videos below give the full story, but take note: It is not only the local people that go to this place, Kenyans and increasingly people from all around the world, are getting wind of and rushing to this location.

Would you visit this place? Would you take the seemingly adventourous trip to this remote location to seek healing? let us know with your comments below!

Just for reference with the monetary amounts below, 1 Dollar converts to about 80 Kenya Shillings, or about 1,500 Tanzanian Shillings.

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